Critical Legal Issues for Small Businesses and Startups:
The Three ‘I’s – IP, Immigration and International Trade
Three distinguished lawyers provided detailed descriptions on critical issues that may affect many new or existing businesses. How can a foreign entity become established in the U.S.? What are the best solutions for specific issues? How does one go about navigating importation rules and procedures? What about properly understanding trade restriction? Finally, how does one protect one’s own intellectual property? All these critical issues and many others were described and analyzed by the experts in great detail.
Global Policy Institute hosted this event with Lutzker & Lutzker LLP, Trow & Rahal, P.C., Richardson & Colburn Law Firms during DC Startup Week on September 14, 2017.
Intellectual Property:
Arnold Lutzker, Partner, Lutzker & Lutzker LLP
Immigration Law:
Linda Rahal, Partner, Trow & Rahal, P.C.
International Trade & Customs Law:
Matthew McGrath, Partner, Barnes, Richardson & Colburn
Moderator: Arnold Lutzker, Partner, Lutzker & Lutzker LLP
Arnold Lutzker, Lutzker & Lutzker LLP
Arnold Lutzker, Lutzker & Lutzker LLP
Linda Rahal,Trow & Rahal, P.C.
Paolo von Schirach, GPI