
WEBINAR // NASA Past and Future: an Insider’s View

WEBINAR // NASA Past and Future: an Insider’s View

On February 15, 2022 Global Policy Institute and Bay Atlantic University held a webinar to discuss about NASA’s past and future with Mr. Jonathan Gal-Edd, System Review Manager (SRM) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
Gigantic telescopes successfully launched in space. Rovers that impeccably landed on Mars. These are just some examples of the US space program in operation. It is all directed and coordinated by NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA is America’s civil space program and the global leader in space exploration. The agency has a diverse workforce of just under 18,000 civil servants, and works with many more U.S. contractors, academia, and international and commercial partners to explore, discover, and expand knowledge for the benefit of humanity. With an annual budget of $23.2 billion in Fiscal Year 2021, which is less than 0.5% of the overall U.S. federal budget, NASA supports more than 312,000 jobs across the United States, generating more than $64.3 billion in total economic output (Fiscal Year 2019). The mission is broad, the spillover effects on the US economy very significant. But how does this specialized US government agency actually work?
You will learn about this from Jonathan Gal-Edd, System Review Manager (SRM) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Mr. Gal-Edd is a NASA veteran employee who has been directly involved in senior positions in key flagship programs over many years. His presentation covers  international space station and the recently deployed James Webb Telescope. Watch the full video:
Jonathan Gal-Edd, System Review Manager (SRM) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Mr. Gal-Edd-has been working for NASA, as a contractor and civil servant, since 1986. Worked on major ( Flag ship ) missions such as space station and James Webb telescope.
His work experience:
Space Stations
NASA HQ – 1986-1994 – Space Station Freedom – TMIS
– First NASA Local Area Network with PC/MAC
Huston Texas (1994-1998) International space station
GSFC : Greenbelt MD (2000-2016) Ground and Operations manger/ Chief system Engineer
*James Webb Space Telescope (2000-2007)- Ground system chief engineer
*TDRS- Communications satellites supports astronaut to earth
communications (2007-2009)
*Landsat 8- Remote-sensing mapping (2009-2011)
*OSIRIS-RExGround Systems Manager ( 2011- 2016)
GSFC: System Review Manager (2016- Current)
*Review Manager for JWST, NOAA , USGS and other GSFC mission


Paolo von Schirach, GPI President, and Chair Political Science and International Relations, Bay Atlantic University